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Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:19 pm
by AvLee
dr_dr wrote:Art. 2
(1) Admiterea la forma de rezidentiat pe locuri si la forma de rezidentiat pe post se face prin concurs national, organizat de Ministerul Sanatatii Publice in sesiune unica, in trimestrul IV al anului. Concursul pentru aceste forme de rezidentiat se organizeaza pe domeniile de medicina, de medicina dentara si de farmacie, pe baza unei metodologii aprobate prin ordin al ministrului sanatatii publice.
(2) Prin exceptie de la prevederile alin. (1), in anul 2008 Ministerul Sanatatii Publice organizeaza concurs pentru forma de rezidentiat pe post si in semestrul I al anului.

Nu se specifica anul in care calendar, poate in unele semestrul I este in 16 noiembrie :P

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:21 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
icerose wrote:mersi AvLee asta tot incerc si eu sa explic, ca in romania, cu 3 ani de stagiatura si fara rezi luat nu ai drept de practica. desi in ue ai. sper ca acu s-a inteles

dar si in romania poti dupa 3 ani de stagiatura....tre sa promovezi examen de specializare (MF)...

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:23 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
AvLee wrote:
dr_dr wrote:Art. 2
(1) Admiterea la forma de rezidentiat pe locuri si la forma de rezidentiat pe post se face prin concurs national, organizat de Ministerul Sanatatii Publice in sesiune unica, in trimestrul IV al anului. Concursul pentru aceste forme de rezidentiat se organizeaza pe domeniile de medicina, de medicina dentara si de farmacie, pe baza unei metodologii aprobate prin ordin al ministrului sanatatii publice.
(2) Prin exceptie de la prevederile alin. (1), in anul 2008 Ministerul Sanatatii Publice organizeaza concurs pentru forma de rezidentiat pe post si in semestrul I al anului.

Nu se specifica anul in care calendar, poate in unele semestrul I este in 16 noiembrie :P

it refers to the rezi pe post in junie...

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:24 pm
by AvLee
gurav au OBLIGATIA SA IA REZIDENTIATUL mai citeste odata :

2) Pe parcursul celor 3 ani, medicii care efectueaza practica supravegheata/asistata au obligatia sa se prezinte la concursul de rezidentiat si dobandesc dreptul de libera practica dupa promovarea examenului de medic specialist.

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:27 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
AvLee wrote:gurav au OBLIGATIA SA IA REZIDENTIATUL mai citeste odata :

2) Pe parcursul celor 3 ani, medicii care efectueaza practica supravegheata/asistata au obligatia sa se prezinte la concursul de rezidentiat si dobandesc dreptul de libera practica dupa promovarea examenului de medic specialist.

Art. 20
Absolventii facultatilor de medicina care dupa incheierea practicii supravegheate/asistate cu durata de 3 ani nu devin rezidenti pot fi angajati cu contract individual de munca cu durata determinata/nedeterminata la cabinete medicale individuale si servicii de ambulanta, sub indrumarea unui medic cu drept de libera practica, beneficiind de salarizarea prevazuta pentru functia de medic.

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:28 pm
by d'Arc
AvLee wrote:gurav au OBLIGATIA SA IA REZIDENTIATUL mai citeste odata :

2) Pe parcursul celor 3 ani, medicii care efectueaza practica supravegheata/asistata au obligatia sa se prezinte la concursul de rezidentiat si dobandesc dreptul de libera practica dupa promovarea examenului de medic specialist.

nu-s obligati sa-l ia, doar sa-l dea :lol:

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:30 pm
by d'Arc
chiar, ce fain ar fi sa fii obligat sa-l iei.... asta ar mai ajuta putin, ca pe vremea ante '89, cand toata lumea trebuia sa ia bacul, si profii se dadeau de ceasul mortii sa incarce portbagajele la dacii, si portarii se uitau in alta parte :peace:

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:32 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
AvLee wrote:gurav au OBLIGATIA SA IA REZIDENTIATUL mai citeste odata :

2) Pe parcursul celor 3 ani, medicii care efectueaza practica supravegheata/asistata au obligatia sa se prezinte la concursul de rezidentiat si dobandesc dreptul de libera practica dupa promovarea examenului de medic specialist.

to appear for an exam is not the same as passing it....i suggest u read the whole section....i read it when they passed it as law....even if u don't pass the exam there r modalities to sit for the specialist exam for MF (do a stagiatura that is similar to the curriculum of MF)....
the obligation is to pass the specialist exam....not to pass the rezi.....but u must sit (appear) for 3 years in the exam, if u don't pass it u can practice anyway.....

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:34 pm
by d'Arc
gaurav_singh_md wrote:
AvLee wrote:gurav au OBLIGATIA SA IA REZIDENTIATUL mai citeste odata :

2) Pe parcursul celor 3 ani, medicii care efectueaza practica supravegheata/asistata au obligatia sa se prezinte la concursul de rezidentiat si dobandesc dreptul de libera practica dupa promovarea examenului de medic specialist.

to appear for an exam is not the same as passing it....i suggest u read the whole section....i read it when they passed it as law....even if u don't pass the exam there r modalities to sit for the specialist exam for MF (do a stagiatura that is similar to the curriculum of MF)....
the obligation is to pass the specialist exam....not to pass the rezi.....but u must sit (appear) for 3 years in the exam, if u don't pass it u can practice anyway.....

frate, vorbeste romaneste, ca ma scurtcircuitezi de tot... sau e o tehnica de a elimina concurenta??? :x

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:35 pm
by AvLee
gaurav_singh_md wrote:
AvLee wrote:gurav au OBLIGATIA SA IA REZIDENTIATUL mai citeste odata :

2) Pe parcursul celor 3 ani, medicii care efectueaza practica supravegheata/asistata au obligatia sa se prezinte la concursul de rezidentiat si dobandesc dreptul de libera practica dupa promovarea examenului de medic specialist.

to appear for an exam is not the same as passing it....i suggest u read the whole section....i read it when they passed it as law....even if u don't pass the exam there r modalities to sit for the specialist exam for MF (do a stagiatura that is similar to the curriculum of MF)....
the obligation is to pass the specialist exam....not to pass the rezi.....but u must sit (appear) for 3 years in the exam, if u don't pass it u can practice anyway.....

Isn't that a bit stupid? To be forced just to appear there? For what? chit-chats?

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:36 pm
by d'Arc
AvLee wrote:
gaurav_singh_md wrote:
AvLee wrote:gurav au OBLIGATIA SA IA REZIDENTIATUL mai citeste odata :

2) Pe parcursul celor 3 ani, medicii care efectueaza practica supravegheata/asistata au obligatia sa se prezinte la concursul de rezidentiat si dobandesc dreptul de libera practica dupa promovarea examenului de medic specialist.

to appear for an exam is not the same as passing it....i suggest u read the whole section....i read it when they passed it as law....even if u don't pass the exam there r modalities to sit for the specialist exam for MF (do a stagiatura that is similar to the curriculum of MF)....
the obligation is to pass the specialist exam....not to pass the rezi.....but u must sit (appear) for 3 years in the exam, if u don't pass it u can practice anyway.....

Isn't that a bit stupid? To be forced just to appear there? For what? chit-chats?

bloody RO law, by excellence
:peace: :lol:

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:41 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
AvLee wrote:
gaurav_singh_md wrote:
AvLee wrote:gurav au OBLIGATIA SA IA REZIDENTIATUL mai citeste odata :

2) Pe parcursul celor 3 ani, medicii care efectueaza practica supravegheata/asistata au obligatia sa se prezinte la concursul de rezidentiat si dobandesc dreptul de libera practica dupa promovarea examenului de medic specialist.

to appear for an exam is not the same as passing it....i suggest u read the whole section....i read it when they passed it as law....even if u don't pass the exam there r modalities to sit for the specialist exam for MF (do a stagiatura that is similar to the curriculum of MF)....
the obligation is to pass the specialist exam....not to pass the rezi.....but u must sit (appear) for 3 years in the exam, if u don't pass it u can practice anyway.....

Isn't that a bit stupid? To be forced just to appear there? For what? chit-chats?

EU directive

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:43 pm
by d'Arc
that's really bad. you can't even laugh about it.

better now gurav? you reset me on english, can't study anymore, my books are in romanian language. :help:

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:44 pm
by AvLee
EU directive

In that case....I WANT TO MOVE TO INDIA

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:49 pm
by swiss
intrebare ca tot v-ati indepartat de la topic...
o sa vina cineva la protestul de marti?
sau e doar asa ca arate si bucurestenii ca-s in stare sa faca proteste?
eu unul nu cred in protestul asta ca ar mai rezolva ceva...
in afara de a-l "shifona" pe perversul ministru...
am dreptate??

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:51 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
AvLee wrote:EU directive

In that case....I WANT TO MOVE TO INDIA

if u find examen de rezi tough in ro, u'll find it impossible in india.... first u have to pass an equivalency exam, then 1 year of stagiatura and then u can sit for Post graduation (rezi) exam (there is no bibliography and the syllabus is everything u ever studied in med school....with about 200 doctors for 1 place).....people study 12-14 hours a day for atleast 1 year just to get internal medicine....(top branches in india are radiology and orthopaedics), after 3 years of specialization u can go for another 2-3 years of superspecialization (nephro, gastro, neurosurgery etc)....believe me, for lazy people like me romania is the place to be....u have no idea how good u have it here :D

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:53 pm
by d'Arc
gaurav_singh_md wrote:
AvLee wrote:EU directive

In that case....I WANT TO MOVE TO INDIA

if u find examen de rezi tough in ro, u'll find it impossible in india.... first u have to pass an equivalency exam, then 1 year of stagiatura and then u can sit for Post graduation (rezi) exam (there is no bibliography and the syllabus is everything u ever studied in med school....with about 200 doctors for 1 place).....people study 12-14 hours a day for atleast 1 year just to get internal medicine....(top branches in india are radiology and orthopaedics), after 3 years of specialization u can go for another 2-3 years of superspecialization (nephro, gastro, neurosurgery etc)....believe me, for lazy people like me romania is the place to be....u have no idea how good u have it here :D

gotcha!!!! iaca de ce vin colegii nostri plini de bani in RO. no offence, dar am avut si eu colegi in stilul asta, si serios ca stiu cu ce mananca ei medicina.

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 6:56 pm
by AvLee
gaurav_singh_md wrote:
AvLee wrote:EU directive

In that case....I WANT TO MOVE TO INDIA

if u find examen de rezi tough in ro, u'll find it impossible in india.... first u have to pass an equivalency exam, then 1 year of stagiatura and then u can sit for Post graduation (rezi) exam (there is no bibliography and the syllabus is everything u ever studied in med school....with about 200 doctors for 1 place).....people study 12-14 hours a day for atleast 1 year just to get internal medicine....(top branches in india are radiology and orthopaedics), after 3 years of specialization u can go for another 2-3 years of superspecialization (nephro, gastro, neurosurgery etc)....believe me, for lazy people like me romania is the place to be....u have no idea how good u have it here :D

Then Botswana it is ,at least there I can be GREAT WHITE MEDICINE MAN :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:00 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
AvLee wrote:
gaurav_singh_md wrote:
AvLee wrote:EU directive

In that case....I WANT TO MOVE TO INDIA

if u find examen de rezi tough in ro, u'll find it impossible in india.... first u have to pass an equivalency exam, then 1 year of stagiatura and then u can sit for Post graduation (rezi) exam (there is no bibliography and the syllabus is everything u ever studied in med school....with about 200 doctors for 1 place).....people study 12-14 hours a day for atleast 1 year just to get internal medicine....(top branches in india are radiology and orthopaedics), after 3 years of specialization u can go for another 2-3 years of superspecialization (nephro, gastro, neurosurgery etc)....believe me, for lazy people like me romania is the place to be....u have no idea how good u have it here :D

Then Botswana it is ,at least there I can be GREAT WHITE MEDICINE MAN :lol: :lol: :lol:

finish rezi in ro and move to tarile nordice.... nice people, good laws and the government takes good care of the population.....

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:02 pm
by AvLee

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:07 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
AvLee wrote:TOO COLD

air conditioning and central heating....step out of your SLK Roadster directly into the multispeciality state of the art hospital u work in and then after work go golfing/fishing/whatever u wanna do.....

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:08 pm
by tufish
gaurav_singh_md wrote:
AvLee wrote:TOO COLD

air conditioning and central heating....step out of your SLK Roadster directly into the multispeciality state of the art hospital u work in and then after work go golfing/fishing/whatever u wanna do.....

hope u 'll have four wheel drive

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:10 pm
by AvLee
gaurav_singh_md wrote:
AvLee wrote:TOO COLD

air conditioning and central heating....step out of your SLK Roadster directly into the multispeciality state of the art hospital u work in and then after work go golfing/fishing/whatever u wanna do.....

vodka and sex probably. To keep me warm of course.

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:13 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
tufish wrote:
gaurav_singh_md wrote:
AvLee wrote:TOO COLD

air conditioning and central heating....step out of your SLK Roadster directly into the multispeciality state of the art hospital u work in and then after work go golfing/fishing/whatever u wanna do.....

hope u 'll have four wheel drive

hope i make it that alta parte nici nu-mi trebuie atatea lucruri, un spital bine dotat is all i need.....

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:14 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
AvLee wrote:
gaurav_singh_md wrote:
AvLee wrote:TOO COLD

air conditioning and central heating....step out of your SLK Roadster directly into the multispeciality state of the art hospital u work in and then after work go golfing/fishing/whatever u wanna do.....

vodka and sex probably. To keep me warm of course.

think russia then

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:16 pm
by AvLee
In that case add NO in front of all this "air conditioning and central heating....step out of your SLK Roadster directly into the multispeciality state of the art hospital u work in"

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:21 pm
by icerose
gaurav_singh_md wrote:
AvLee wrote:gurav au OBLIGATIA SA IA REZIDENTIATUL mai citeste odata :

2) Pe parcursul celor 3 ani, medicii care efectueaza practica supravegheata/asistata au obligatia sa se prezinte la concursul de rezidentiat si dobandesc dreptul de libera practica dupa promovarea examenului de medic specialist.

Art. 20
Absolventii facultatilor de medicina care dupa incheierea practicii supravegheate/asistate cu durata de 3 ani nu devin rezidenti pot fi angajati cu contract individual de munca cu durata determinata/nedeterminata la cabinete medicale individuale si servicii de ambulanta, sub indrumarea unui medic cu drept de libera practica, beneficiind de salarizarea prevazuta pentru functia de medic.

so they don't have the right to practice, until they take the exam

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:24 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
AvLee wrote:In that case add NO in front of all this "air conditioning and central heating....step out of your SLK Roadster directly into the multispeciality state of the art hospital u work in"

i did leave all that behind (i had a hyundai not SLK) when i left india, and worked in a government hospital not a private one (but could have worked in a private one too).... Somehow i personally feel romania is the place for me for the next 10 years....

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:30 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
cred ca deja sunt off topic rau de tot..... :D

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:34 pm
by AvLee
gaurav_singh_md wrote:cred ca deja sunt off topic rau de tot..... :D

Deloc, putem cere si asta la protest :

air conditioning and central heating....step out of your SLK Roadster directly into the multispeciality state of the art hospital u work in

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:41 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
AvLee wrote:
gaurav_singh_md wrote:cred ca deja sunt off topic rau de tot..... :D

Deloc, putem cere si asta la protest :

air conditioning and central heating....step out of your SLK Roadster directly into the multispeciality state of the art hospital u work in

cam asa traiesc multi medici in romania (Prof dragulescu, cardio, timi; Prof Miclea, nephro, timi) ....and many others numai in timisoara...banuiesc ca situatia este la fel si in alte centre univ....

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 7:45 pm
by AvLee
Abia astept sa lucrez in the multispeciality state of the art hospital de la cucuieti din deal

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:06 pm
by chibritzel
gaurav_singh_md wrote:
AvLee wrote:
gaurav_singh_md wrote:cred ca deja sunt off topic rau de tot..... :D

Deloc, putem cere si asta la protest :

air conditioning and central heating....step out of your SLK Roadster directly into the multispeciality state of the art hospital u work in

cam asa traiesc multi medici in romania (Prof dragulescu, cardio, timi; Prof Miclea, nephro, timi) ....and many others numai in timisoara...banuiesc ca situatia este la fel si in alte centre univ....

Nici un prof din tara nu traieste asa bine ca cei din TM... 100% sure..

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:09 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
chibritzel wrote:Nici un prof din tara nu traieste asa bine ca cei din TM... 100% sure..

am vazut si profi din oradea, cluj si buc care traiesc la fel de bine (if not more)....

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:17 pm
by razvan.f
Si? Este un lucru rau, ca profesor, sa traiesti asa?

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:32 pm
by gaurav_singh_md
razvan.f wrote:Si? Este un lucru rau, ca profesor, sa traiesti asa?

nu...n-am zis asta...
am vrut sa spun ca se poate "living the good life" si in romania (ca un medic)

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:14 am
by andrita
andrita wrote:eu as sugera celor care se duc acolo la ministru sa vb cu el sa ii aminteasca si de ceilalti medici tineri respectiv rezidentii.pana acum s a vb doar despre erzidentiat(locuri,data ,bibliografie).n am auzit reprezentantii ca au zis ceva de ziua libera dupa garda,chirii,transport,conditii de munca,salarii nici nu mai vorbesc. tind sa crerd ca au fost puse pe lista doar fie.
prioritar era rezi,bineinteles, nu tragem focul doar sub oala candidatilor la rezi.


Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 10:22 am
by AvLee
Eu nu mai inteleg nimic.Rezidentiat 2008 e capitol inchis pentru protestul de azi sau nu?

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 1:27 pm
by paulstraistaru
Pai hai sa vedem... e incheiat capitolul 'rezidentiat 2008' sau nu?
Protestul de marti este comunicat la primarie, deci in principiu poate sa aiba loc. Luni este iar sedinta de 'aprobare', care de fapt nu inseamna aprobare, ci o discutie despre ce se intampla. Protestele astea se comunica, nu se cere aprobarea. Cica este un drept al cetatenilor sa faca proteste. Asa scrie in lege.

Acum eu intreb, mai este oportun sa-l facem? E bine ca pana la urma am obtinut ceva din toata treaba asta, si clar cei care au fost acolo si s-au implicat merita toata consideratia. E o mare realizare ca macar i-am facut sa ne bage in seama.

Pe de alta parte, daca ne uitam la situatia generala, tot urata e. Mai putin urata decat era initial, dar tot urata. Si in nici un caz sa nu spuna ca sunt aceleasi conditii ca in 2007; ca nu sunt. Tot ne freaca cu posturile la cucuietii si asa mai departe. Plus ca in afara de locuri si schimbarea datei, restul sunt doar promisiuni. Cine se tine de promisiunile alea?

Parerea mea personala e ca am putea sa facem in continuare protestul. Oricum in acordul care s-a semnat joi nu se spune nimic despe 'nu se mai face nici un protest'. Si cine stie ce surprize o sa avem cand or publica alocarea locurilor astora suplimentare.

In concluzie, ziceti si voi. Mai facem sau nu protestul?

Re: legat de PROTESTUL din Bucuresti (28 oct) Foarte important!

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 1:38 pm
by sokie
Parerea mea e ca ar trebui facut protestul, pentru ca, de fapt, dupa cum spunea cineva pe aici pe forum, am obtinut ceva din ce ar fi trebuit sa fie al nostru de la a fost foarte interesant cum dl. ministru nu mai putea suplimenta sub nicio forma nr de locuri la inceput, dar dupa cateva proteste si o petitie au aparut, ca prin minune, poate mai are cate ceva pentru noi prin buzunarele lui mari :D (numai lucruri bune,sper :? )