Centrul de Informare HIV / SIDA

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Centrul de Informare HIV / SIDA

Postby cumpar_timp » Thu Feb 01, 2007 12:02 pm

Centrul de Informare HIV SIDA are un nou portal:


Acest centru a fost infiintat de catre Unitatea de Implementare a Proiectelor HIV/SIDA (UIP-HIV/SIDA), din structura Institutului de Sanatate Publica Bucuresti.
Pentru a veni în sprijinul celor interesati de informatii detaliate în domeniul HIV/SIDA, Centrul de Informare dispune de un important fond de carte, acoperind nu numai informatii de specialitate, dar si domenii conexe: psihologia bolnavilor de SIDA si a celor depistati HIV pozitiv, precum si a persoanelor ce au în familie un bolnav, relatia dintre droguri si HIV/SIDA, politici de sanatate si programe de preventie, brosuri si pliante de informare.

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Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2007 12:50 am

O noua sectiune - Articole si studii de ultima ora

Postby cumpar_timp » Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:27 am

Site-ul InformatHIV are de azi o noua sectiune: "Articole si studii de ultima ora"
da, cumpar timp pretios

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Postby danhia » Mon Sep 03, 2007 7:03 am

Two-Year Scholars Awards of Elisabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS

The Two-Year Scholar Awards are postdoctoral fellowships that
provide two years of salary support, plus supplies and/or travel
costs toward medical research on pediatric HIV/AIDS. These awards
provide a powerful incentive for a new generation of scientists to
take an early professional interest in studying pediatric HIV/AIDS.
Scientists are supported by a mentor experienced in HIV/AIDS
research. Through this mentoring relationship, a growing number of
talented investigators are focusing their efforts on helping to
bring an end to HIV/AIDS in children.

Award Coverage: two years of salary support and up to $10,000 for
supplies or travel.

Award Duration: 2 years

Eligibility Requirements:
Scholars must select an experienced sponsor with appropriate
qualifications to oversee the proposed research. The sponsor should
be a faculty member with an advanced degree (M.D. or Ph.D.) who will
oversee the research, provide guidance to the applicant, and can
provide evidence of the institution' s commitment to the career
development of the applicant.

Further Information:
http://www.pedaids. org/GrantsandAwa rds/Awards/ Two-YearScholar. aspx

E-Mail: research@pedaids. org
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