Sindrom Gilbert!HELP!

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Sindrom Gilbert!HELP!

Postby Sindrom_Gilbert » Fri Sep 08, 2006 6:48 pm

Salut, am fost diagnosticat cu aceasta boala in urma cu 3 ani. La mine simptomele sunt foarte asemanatoare cu cele de hepatita, adica am ochii galbeni, urina se coloreaza foarte mult, am stari de voma, sunt deranjat la stomac si cam 1-2 zile am o stare foarta proasta, nu pot sa mananc mai nimic. Tratamentul care mi s-a recomandat a fost colebil ( de 2 ori /zi) timp de 1 luna dupa care pauza 10 zile si iar se reia ciclul pentru aproximativ inca 2 luni, dupa care pauza 1 luna si reincep ciclul de 3 luni.Pe langa colebil mai iau si Silimarina sau Liv52 de 2 ori/zi. Mi-a fost recomandat de asemenea Fenobarbitalul dar imi da o stare de somnolenta exagerata. LA mine de obicei crizele se declanseaza vara si in special dupa ce fac un efort fizic mai ridicat sau cand sunt stresat. La mine valorile bilirubinei sunt cam triple decat normal.
Ma poate ajuta cineva cu ceva sfaturi? Un tratament ceva? Stiu ca trebuie sa tin si regim dar nu ma pot abtine de la cartofi prajiti, pizza, mici etc

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Postby Tasha » Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:10 pm

o sa mori.
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Postby Tasha » Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:16 pm

Vestea buna e ca nu mai devreme decat noi restu, cel putin nu din cauza sindromului Gilbert. Stai calm, e mai nimic. Singura kestie e ca uneori cica durerile de stomac pot fi suparatoare.
Ia si tu partea buna a lucrurilor, unele femei gasesc barbatii pricajiti si galbejiti foarte sexi.
Incearca cu lipitori. faci anemie, scade hemoglobina de degradat, scade bilirubina care se acumuleaza....
Sexy chicken.

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Postby Sindrom_Gilbert » Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:35 pm

M-am inscris pe acest forum pentru a primi sfaturi nu sa fiu luat la misto. Stiu ca nu este ceva foarte grav dar cred ca nimanui nu-i convine sa stea cu Wc-ul in brate o noapte si o zi. Plus ca apar multe complicatii, nu pot sa zic la serviciu mereu "stiti ca eu sufar de boala aia sindromul Gilbert si nu pot veni la munca vreo 2 zile". Pt noi, cei care suferim de aceasta boala este un adevarat calvar, cred ca nu stii ce inseamna sa vomiti pana nu mai ce vomita...

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Re: ...

Postby studenta » Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:36 pm

Sindrom_Gilbert wrote:M-am inscris pe acest forum pentru a primi sfaturi nu sa fiu luat la misto. Stiu ca nu este ceva foarte grav dar cred ca nimanui nu-i convine sa stea cu Wc-ul in brate o noapte si o zi. Plus ca apar multe complicatii, nu pot sa zic la serviciu mereu "stiti ca eu sufar de boala aia sindromul Gilbert si nu pot veni la munca vreo 2 zile". Pt noi, cei care suferim de aceasta boala este un adevarat calvar, cred ca nu stii ce inseamna sa vomiti pana nu mai ce vomita...

Today I saw somebody/Who looked just like you/He walked like you do/I thought it was you/As he turned the corner/I called out your name/I felt so ashamed/When it wasn't you

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Postby Tasha » Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:38 pm

nu te luam la mijto. asa stiu eu sa incurajez oamenii :p
acu pe bune, te cred ca e nasol, dar dupa cum ziceai si tu, nu tii regim, ca "nu poti"
da-mi voie sa nu te cred...
daca ar fi atat de nasol ai putea sa mananci si numai vreascuri...sau poate sunt eu mai incuiata, deh...
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am incercat si regim

Postby Sindrom_Gilbert » Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:43 pm

am incercat regim dar mai mult de o luna nu am rezistat, oricum acuma cred ca a fost cea mai grava criza, si sincer o sa incerc sa am mai multa vointa sa tin un regim cat de cat ca nu se mai poate.

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Postby Chingachgook » Sat Sep 09, 2006 2:02 am

pai , daca asta voiai sa stii, tratament definitiv nu exista
Sunt cel mai pașnic om din lume. Dorințele mele sunt: o căsuță modestă, un pat bun si o gradina cu pomi. Iar dacă Domnul Dumnezeu ar vrea să mă facă într-adevăr fericit, as vedea spânzurați în acești pomi șase sau șapte din dușmanii mei...

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Postby otalen » Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:33 am

sper ca acest site te va ajuta cat de cat:

anyway, fiind un site scris de pacienti pt pacienti...e indicat sa nu iei ca litera de lege tot ce scrie acolo. dar e bun pentru informare. oricum, dupa cum au mentionat si colegii mei...accentul e pus pe regimul igieno-dietetic (suna destul de nasol, nu?) si chiar daca o sa tii regim, e posibil ca in momentul in care o sa racesti mai rau sau o sa patesti alta boala debilitanta, sa-ti revina simptomele. sau daca o sa fugi prea repede dupa autobuz :)

in afara de asta....uite un copy-paste dupa un leaflet de informare despre gilbert syndrome (sunt un admirator al NHS asa ca nu te mira ca toate sunt de la ei :) )

Gilbert's Syndrome

Gilbert's Syndrome can cause mild jaundice from time to time. It is usually harmless and does not require treatment. It is due to a reduced amount of a chemical in the liver which processes a breakdown product of blood cells called bilirubin.

What is Gilbert's syndrome?

Gilbert's syndrome is a condition where the liver does not process bilirubin very well. It is sometimes called Gilbert's disease although it does not cause 'disease' as such. The liver itself is normal and the condition is usually harmless. The condition is named after the doctor who first described it in 1901.

What is bilirubin and what happens in Gilbert's syndrome?

Bilirubin is constantly being made. It is a breakdown product of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is a chemical that is in red blood cells and carries oxygen to the tissues. Many red blood cells and haemoglobin break down each day, and bilirubin is one of the 'waste' products. Bilirubin is carried in the bloodstream to the liver where it is taken in by liver cells. The liver cells 'process' the bilirubin which is then passed out from the liver into the gut with the bile.

An enzyme (chemical) in liver cells helps the liver cells to process the bilirubin. People with Gilbert's syndrome have a reduced level of this enzyme and so a 'back-log' of bilirubin can build up in the bloodstream. A high level of bilirubin causes jaundice (a yellowing of the skin).

In people with Gilbert's Syndrome, the blood level of bilirubin can go up and down. Often the level is within the normal range. At other times it goes higher than normal, but not very high.

Who gets Gilbert's syndrome?

Gilbert's syndrome is a very common hereditary condition. About 1 in 20 people have this syndrome - but most will not be aware of it. It is more common in men than women. It is often first diagnosed in the late teens or early twenties.

What are the symptoms of Gilbert's syndrome?

Usually none. The level of bilirubin in the blood goes up and down. However, this does not usually cause any problems as the level does not go very high.
Jaundice. If the level of bilirubin goes above a certain level you become jaundiced (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes). Some people with Gilbert's syndrome become mildly jaundiced from time to time. This may seem alarming, but is of little concern if the cause is Gilbert's syndrome. The jaundice tends to occur most commonly if you are ill with another problem such as an infection or repeated vomiting, or during times of exertion or stress.
Other symptoms are uncommon. The jaundice itself does not usually cause any problems. However, some people with Gilbert's syndrome report symptoms of tiredness, weakness, abdominal pain, and other symptoms which may possibly be linked to the syndrome.

Do I need any tests?

Jaundice (a high level of bilirubin) can be caused by many different diseases of the liver and blood. Therefore, if you develop jaundice you are likely to need tests to clarify the cause and to rule out serious illness. A blood test can usually confirm the diagnosis of Gilbert's syndrome as it shows a mildly raised level of bilirubin, but with all the other liver tests being normal. Rarely, other tests such as a liver biopsy may be done to rule out liver diseases if the diagnosis is in doubt.

What is the treatment for Gilbert's syndrome?

No treatment is needed. People with Gilbert's syndrome normally lead healthy lives. Life expectancy is not affected. Mild jaundice may recur from time to time for short periods, but usually causes no health problems.

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Postby Sindrom_Gilbert » Sun Sep 10, 2006 12:57 am

Ms de info.

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Postby otalen » Sun Sep 10, 2006 1:48 am

´cresti mare .... symptom-free... :))

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