HELP va rog!

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HELP va rog!

Postby charalampos » Wed May 09, 2007 7:50 pm

i have finished my medical studies in Romania, the year 2001.
im asking you for a very critical information.
so, this is the question :after examen de licenta and our diploma de licenta , do we need a period of time for practise in spital, before the rezidentiat exams ?is this necessary?

this is a reason why i am asking you..
the country where i am trying to find a job as a rezident medic has answered me that it cannot give me the equivalarea for my diploma,and a licence to work as a doctor,because i have not terminated my studies in romania!!! so ,as they say ,i must work there without be paid,almost as a student,for three years,so as to terminate my medical studies,and after that i must go additionaly under exams!

they say,that according to the romanian state,i have not terminated my studies,and this is the reason why i must frequent these 3 years of practise.But this is not true!I have done 6 years of medicine in romania and i have my Licenta!

when you ,dear collegi, finish with the exam of the licenta,what are you doing next?are you going immediately to the rezidentiat exam and if you succed ,you begin your medical specialization, or you have to do first a period of practise?..

do you know where i could find the law, or the official procedure of our Study Plan,from university till medic specialist?..

excuse me for the fact that im writting in english,although i have graduated in a romanian faculty, but its a long time since i have spoken romanian for the last time and so its much easier to me to use english language..
thank you very much
my email is
:!: :?:

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